Page 286 - Pure Life 15
P. 286
308 / ( PURE LIFE, Vol.5. No.15, (Rabi' al-Thani 1440. Azar 1397. December 2018)
Yet, the intrepretation of “Cybercrime” itself remains
unfinished. For example, in case of Indonesian “Moslem
Cyber Army” group, they defend themselves to speak of
what they believe in the name of democracy and freedom
of expression. In Cyberspace, the term of Human Rights is
being critically abused.
This issue also happen since the pornography video
of Indonesian musician, Ariel Peterpan and his
girlfriend Luna Maya, that seemed to have their
privacy is being humiliated. After this controversial
video, there are many private videos of popular
indonesians are being publicly shared, without the
permission of the concerned figures. We never know
who is cracking this and for what purpose. Perhaps
what Adam Smith said about invisible hands is still
happening and what Albert Einstein said about time
traveller, it definetely means the Cyberspace.
Figure 3. Emerging Internet Markets in Southeast Asia
Source: comScore