Page 178 - Pure Life 21
P. 178

PURE LIFE, Vol. 7, No. 21 (Shawwal 1441. Khordad 1399. June  2020)

                 16.Being Prisoners to the Legacy
                      The  unbelievers  are  driven  from  the  darkness  of  ignorance  to  the
                        darkness of ignorance and by turning from Allah to the thousands of
             divine alms (Tabataba'i, 2008, 2, 43).

                 17.The Weakness of my Knowledge
                    Young  does  not  take  an  immitating  religion  due  to  mental
                    abilities.  And  all  the  religious  beliefs  that  have  been  inspired
                        from  the  childhood  by  imitation  of  the  family  and  others,  and  he
                          wants  to  accept  religion  that  is  in  line  with his  level  of  thinking.
                            But  on  the  one  hand,  he  is  often  offered  what  is  believed  to  be
                          religion.  It  is  not  convincing  for  him;  on  the  other  hand,  in  some
                    cases  the  young  also  wants  to  measure  all  the  religious
                    teachings,  including  the  rules  and  beliefs,  with  his  intellect,  and
                        he  thinks  that  if  religious  teachings  fit  in  his  mental  forms,  they
             are correct, otherwise they should not be. Abandoned.
                    These  factors  make  the  younger  religious  identity  not  well
                    formed,  and  the  young  will  have  a  cognitive  crisis  over
                religious  teachings  and  consider  themselves  saved  from  this
                        crisis  in  fleeing  religion.  The  Qur'an  also  refers  to  this  fact.  It
                    regards  the  concept  of  disbelief  and  unbelief  as  the  epistemic
             weakness of human beings.
                      Prophet  Noah  (AS)  explicitly  introduces  one  of  the  factors  of
                      the  unfaithfulness  of  his  people  as  ignorance  or  lack  of  correct
                knowledge  of  religious  teachings:  “And  Lekni  Araqm  Qumah-
             ihhlun” (Hud: 29).
                        Imam  Ali  (AS)  says  about  the  cause  of  disbelief:  “If  people
                            were  in  a  hurry  to  deal  with  things  that  they  did  not  know,  they
                        did  not  hesitate  to  decide,  they  would  not  disbelieve  and  not  be
             dismissed” (Mohammadi Ray Shahri, 1380, p. 2, p. 152).

                 18.Extreme Harsh Condemnations
                    Amir  al-Mu'minnan  Ali  (AS)  states:  “In  the  blame  and  blaming
                        of  the  excess,  the  fire  will  put  flame  on  its  flames”  (Majlesi,
                    1403,  p.  77,  p.  232).  Confronting  the  spirit  of  young
                independence   and    blaming     him,     there   is   a    dangerous

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