Page 128 - Pure Life 23
P. 128

Exploring English Translations of Quran… H. Alimi Baktash and M.H. Amiri  / 127
                  Waqab  is  a  past  verb                       Table 9
               meaning “entered”. (Mu'jam’ul         Annaffathatifee  Number  Percent
               alfazil Quran’il Karim: Article       alAAuqad
               W.Q.B)                                those who blow   4        7.01%
                  This  word  especially  used       on knots         4        7.01%
                                                     The women
               about  the  darkness  of  night       who blow on
               when  it  covers  everywhere.         knots
               (Look:        Mukhtarus-Sihah;        those who        3        5.26%
               Mu'jam’ul     alfazil   Quran’il      practice secret
               Karim: Article W.Q.B.)                arts
                  Although the literal meaning       those who        3        5.26%
               of waqab is to come and enter,        witchcraft
               the  collocation  of  (darkness  +    women who        2        3.5%
               enter)  is  not  match  so.           blow on knots
               Considering            Longman        those who        2        3.5%
               dictionary  and  other  sources       practice sorcery
               the  pair  (darkness  +  fall)  is    the witches who   2       3.5%
                                                     blow into knots
               much better than other options.       all human beings bent     1.75%

                  The  chosen  equal  for  this      on occult
               phrase  suggested  by  Google         endeavours,zoom
               translate is: “the oppressor”.        malignant        1        1.75%
                  Actually  this  is  the  Google    witchcraft
               equivalence  for  the  entire         the malignant    1        1.75%
               following  phrase:  “ghasiqin         the women who  1          1.75%
               ithawaqab”.                           practice magic,
                  So,  the  preferred  translation   blowing on the
               is  following:  “and  from  the       knots
               darkness when it falls”.              women spitting   1        1.75%
                                                     on knots
                   4.  Wamin               sharri    the witches who   1       1.75%
                      annaffathatifee alAAuqad /     stand in the way
                                                     of concord and
                       دقعلا یف تاثافنلا رش نم و     blow over
               Wamin  sharri/  For  frequency        entangled
               rate look at table 5.                 knots to fan the
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