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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 47-77, Serial Number 3, Summer 2020


            The  Role  of  States  and  Religious  Organizations  in

            Web-Based Teachings (In order to Promote Religious Education)

            Dr. Haroon Aziz*

                    * Prof in Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
                    Durban, South Africa

              ARTICLE INFO            Abstract

              Article History:      SUBJECT  AND  OBJECTIVES:  The  paper  identifies
              Received 06 April 2020   the major spiritual problem created by imperialism and
              Revised 24 June 2020   the  opportunities  it  has  unintentionally  created  for
              Accepted 10 August 2020
                                    religious education through its own aerial platform, viz
              Key Words:            big-data  cyberspace.  Imperialism  in  its  greed  for
              Religious Education   materialistic  power  rapidly  expanded  globalization  to
              States  and  Religious   the extent that the global migration of skills, expertise,
              Organizations         cultures, languages, and religions defy their control by
              Web-Based Teachings   imperialism.  In  its  western  centres,  imperialism  has
                                    neglected  the  mental  and  spiritual  health  of  its
              10.22034/IMJPL.2020.2119   populations and has replaced spirituality with hedonism,
                                    egotism, and consumer culture, which it exports even to
              DOR:                  its periphery as cultural imperialism. In pursuit of rabid
              20.1001.1.26767610.2020.   capital accumulation it has placed hardware devices in
                                    civilian  hands  to  sell  software  applications  as  social

                                    media,  which  has  become  the  social  power  of  people,
                                    beyond its control.
                                    METHOD  AND  FINDING:  This  newfound  social

                                    power  of  the  people  presents  opportunities  for  the
                                    promotion  of  religious  education  to  people  who  are
                                    starving  for  spiritual  fulfilment  in  the  midst  of  the

                                    oversupply  of  worldly  goods.  The  technological
                                    devices, with possibilities of real-time and simultaneous
                                    communications    across   international   boundaries,
                                    compel  the  development  of  new  methodologies,  new
                                    quality assurances, and new contents, which are unique
                                    and original. As knowledge is the social property of all
                                    of humanity and not the private property of individuals,
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