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               72   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 47-77, Summer 2020

               defend  their  national  interests       The  Daeesh  as  armed  proxy
               against  the  marauders  and          forces of the military-industrial-
               protect  the  integrity  of  their    media  complex  abuse  CST  to
               curriculums.                          promote  their  brand  of  “Pure
                  This       includes       their    Islam”  as  a  basis  to  recruit
               responsibility  to  enforce  their    soldiers to spread terror not only
               own  cybersecurities  in  order  to   in  Muslim  lands  but  also  in
               spread  world  peace  through         Western lands.
               education  as  a  democratic             The Daeesh have given rise to
               practice.                             the    new    phenomenon       of
                  This is a particularly difficult   cyberbalkanization, which is the
               challenge because one of the key      segregation of CST into smaller
               advantages of CST is that it has      groups with similar interests, to
               allowed  all  kinds  of  people  to   a  degree  that  they  show  a
               publicize  their  views  and  reach   narrow-minded  approach  to
               out  to  others  with  similar        outsiders    or    those     with
               interests.                            contradictory views.
                  As  a  result,  however,  it  also    While  CST  has  largely  been
               has  the  same  power  to  bring      credited     for      broadening
               together those with outlying and      discussion, it also can serve as a
               often discriminatory-viewpoints.      means  of  bringing  together
                  The  ability  to  communicate      fringe  groups  with  intolerant
               allows  such  communities  to         viewpoints.
               flourish more than they would if         So,     while     CST      has
               these  people  were  unable  to       contributed to globalization and
               communicate  as  a  result  of        information  exchange,  it  also
               geographical separation.              may be used to foster unfair or
                  As  a  result,  CST  also  has     harmful discrimination.
               served  to  promote  and  incite         Such military threats to world
               hatred  against  minority  groups,    peace place a heavy responsibility
               as  well  as  promote  political  or   on Islamic religious organizations
               social  agendas  that  do  not  find   to  spread  an  education  that  is
               much footing in popular media.        conceived in peace.
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