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               78  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (24): 67-92, Autumn 2020
                      Caliph  of  the  God,  and            to  appear  in  His  image
                      what  appeared  about                 as a reward”. (Ibn Arabi,
                      him  from  his  proverbs              2002, Vol. 41: 101)
                      in  the  world  of  bodies,
                      they  are  the  successors        This causality is the same as
                      of this Caliph, and instead    we  find  it  with  Eckhart,  who
                      of him in every matter it      believes that the manifestation
                      is valid for him.              of  God  in  man  is  to  give  up
                      That  is  why  the  ten        everything,  abandon  things,
                      statements  that  do  not      and turn to God Almighty:
                      accept  more  than  this              “When a person avoids
                      number  are  true  for                crowds,  God  gives  Him
                      Him,  as  this  is  the  first        Himself     without    an
                      prosecution”. (Ibn Arabi,             image  or  an example,
                      2002, Vol. 41: 101)                   all things are known by
                                                            images and examples”.
                  More  precisely,  the  readiness
               that  a  Perfect  person  contains        3.  Manifestation  of  God
               is    the     cause     of    the            in Things
               manifestation  of  God  Almighty      It is unfair in a place to reduce
               in  Him  and  being  the  Divine      the scientific  nature of mystical
               image.  This  readiness  has          matters to the unity of existence
               generated a total orientation to      or  Divine  presence;  Rather,
               God,  and  this  means  that  all     what  makes  mysticism  an
               kinds  of veils are  lifted  and      mysticism  is the  path  to  God
               even have no meaning for the          for  God  Almighty  only  and
               Perfect  person,  and  this  is  the   only,  and  not  tarnishing  this
               meaning of Ibn Arabi’s saying:        intention  with  anything  else,
                      “When  God  knew  that         and  this  matter  in  fact  enters
                      He  preferred  his  Lord       a scholar or  takes  another  out
                      over  Himself  by  the         of  the  framework of  mysticism,
                      proportion  of  finding        and  despite  the  agreement   of
                      Him, He Has given Him          both  mystics on  the  issue  of
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