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               138  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021
               prohibited  and  condemned  by        the   legitimate    and    Halal
               the teachings of Islam.               earning and eating.
                  During  the  early  period  of        According  to  Islamic  laws,
               Islam,  the  Islamic  values  and     everybody  is  allowed  to  do
               management  practices  were           different  businesses  through
               based  on  Shura  (consultation)      lawful  and  legitimate  means
               where  Muslim  leaders  needed        and  permits  only  legitimate
               suggestions       from      their     business  that  follows  the
               subordinates through consultation.    principles    of   Quran     and
               They  were  never  allowed  to        Islamic values.
               adopt autocratic and authoritarian       Islam also advised Muslims
               style  of  management  and  all       never     to    follow     profit
               matters  of  life  were  settled      maximization  as  their  main
               through  Shura  through  proper       principles  of  doing  business;
               consultation  among  different        But  Islamic  society  should  be
               parties involved in the managerial    based  on  welfare  principles.
               and consultation process.             Islam  also  suggested  Muslims
                  Islamic values and managerial      to  adopt  righteous  conduct,
               practices also stressed the need      justice,    peace,      stability,
               of  Ikhlas  or  sincerity  by         equality  and  respect  to  others
               keeping  the  principles  of          to  ensure  mutual  respect  and
               Islamic  management  in  the          kindness     in   the    Islamic
               society  without  violating  the      society. (Kazmi, 2003)
               rights of others. Managers and           The      current     research
               common         people       were      examines  the  influence  of
               responsible  to  obey  moral          these  Islamic  values  and
               obligation     with     complete      management  practices  on  the
               sincerity  by  keeping  their         political  system  of  Pakistan.
               promises     without     creating     The  research  points  out  the
               discrimination  in  the  society.     efforts  of  different  political
               Islam      prohibited      illegal    leaders  that  they  adopted  to
               earnings  and  emphasized  on         implement  above  mentioned
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