Page 124 - Pure Life 27
P. 124

Distortion Category … M.Sh Badra and M. Shiri / (123

                      until  they  enter  the            B. Hadiths in Accordance
                      Prophet  in  the  pool  of            with the Holy Quran
                      Kuthar  means  that  the       Other reasons for the soundness
                      Quran      retains     its     of  the  Quran  and  its  non-

                      originality and legitimacy,    distortion are the narrations that
                      and  despite  such  a          have  introduced  the  Holy
                      feature,  there  is  no        Quran  as  a  measure  of  the
                      room for the possibility       validity of hadiths, to the extent
                      of  distortion  in  it.        that  what  is  not  in  harmony
                      (Javadi  Amoli,  2019:         with  the  Quran  has  been

                      98-99)                         rejected.  In  this  regard,  the
                                                     Holy Prophet of Islam says:
                  Therefore,  this  hadith  is  a           There  is  a  truth  for
               complete and conclusive proof                attaining  any  right  that
               on  non-distortion  of  the                  reveals  that  right,  and  to
               Quran;  as  he  proves,  if  the
               Quran  is  distorted,  not  only             realize  every  right  and
               will the Quran be invalidated,               truth, there is a light that
               but  also  the  narrations  of  the          guides  it;  so  choose  any
               Ahl  al-Bayt  cannot  be  relied             hadiths  that  agrees  with
               upon;  because  according  to                the  Quran,  and  leave
               this hadith, the Quran and Ahl               whatever disagrees with it.
               al-Bayt    are    two    related             (Kuleini, 1986, Vol. 1: 9)
               arguments, whose fall from the           Accordingly,  the  extent  and
               authority invalidates the other.      criterion  of  the  accuracy  and
               (Javan Arasteh, 2018: 320)
                                                     inaccuracy  of  narrations  and
                                                     hadiths  is  to  agree  with  the
                                                     Holy  Quran;  therefore,  if  the

                                                     Quran  has  been  distorted,  it
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