Page 41 - Pure Life 27
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               40  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 27-52, Summer 2021
                      pay attention to the fact             will  Western  civilization
                      that his moral crisis can             and  others  care  about
                      be  cured  in  Islam,  and            Islamic solutions?
                      the  Muslim  crisis  is            •  How  much  of  the
                      material  and  civil,  and            Islamic Sharia will apply?
                      the  result  is  that  he         The  truth  is  that  the  reality
                      preferred civilized suicide    of     Muslims      does      not
                   -  The  second:  a  return to     encourage others to follow the
                      religion,  which  is  the      example  of  Islam,  and  if  we
                      natural  solution  to  get     want  to  present  Islam  as  a

                      out  of  the  crisis;  but     civilized  model,  we  must
                      material     governments       change our reality first .
                      refuse  to  do  so  for           Wajih Kawtharani says:
                      certain reasons. A number             Now  in  the  West  they
                      of  Western  thinkers                 are  complaining  about
                      themselves have warned                technology  because  it
                      of  the  danger  of  this             created  pollution  and

                      contemporary civilization             turned  human  into  a
                                                            machine  and  created
                  Jerry Foley says:                         human  that  is,  it  made
                      America       needs      a            him  something  like  all
                      spiritual    and    moral
                      rescue  if  it  does  not             other things.

                      want  to  perish  in  the         This means that the West is
                      twentieth century.             grumbling  even  about  the
                   •  If    we    assume     the     civility that remains for it after
                      possibility  of  cultural      moving away from religion, as
                      exchange, to what extent       it  is  really  looking  for  a  way
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