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               162  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 157-176, Winter 2022

                        Indonesia  such  as                    provide an alternative
                        ISIS and Al-Qaeda.                     solution  to  handling
                    • “Pemberantasan                           terrorism     through
                        Terorisme” by Mardenis                 Standardized  regression
                        (2013) where He offered                analysis  to  analyze
                        the concept of eradicating             potential acts of terrorism.
                        terrorism through the              • Next research entitled
                        creation  of  anti-                    “The Four waves of

                        terrorism laws at both                 Rebel  Terror”  by
                        National and International             Rappoport  (2002),
                        levels.                                highlighted  the  wave
                    • Another  study  entitled                 of  war  on  terrorism
                        “Dari  Radikalisme                     occurred  during  the
                        menuju  Terorisme”                     last  few  decades  as

                        (From Radicalism to                    government.
                        Terrorism)  designed              Based  on  all  those
                        by the Setara institute         researches above, this research
                        team (2012) focused             offering new solutions from
                        on  various  radical            the  point  of  view  of
                        Islamic  organizations          Religious  ethics  to  fight

                        in    Central    Java           and anticipate various forms
                        Province using qualitative      of terrorism actions arising
                        and quantitative approaches.    in Indonesian society. Moreover,
                    • The  other  study  by             we  also  combine  the
                        Hamelin et al (2011),           solutions based on Religious
                        entitled “Trigger factors       ethics  perspectives  which
                        of terrorism”, tried to         offer  an  effective  solution
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