Page 22 - Pure Life 29
P. 22

Mystical Analysis of the Manifestation Verse … K.F. Mustafa et al / (21

               the Divine Words, and this is not     the  Almighty  to  see  him.
               possible  for  any  speech  other     (Ibn Arabi, 2001, Vol. 1: 240)
               than God’s Speech. It must be            When  God  Almighty  spoke
               mentioned  here  that  although       to Moses without hijab or though
               the  appointment  was  for  all,      angel,  Moses  felt  longing  and

               Moses  and  his  people,  but         had  the  desire  to  see  God,
               hearing the words of God and          otherwise  he  did  not  dare  to
               receiving the message belongs         ask  for  the  vision  of  God.  In
               only  to  Prophet  Moses  that  is    other words, after being completely
               related to his spiritual journey      a  hearing  and  understanding
               and  capability  which  differs       for the Divine Speech, he longed

               from and higher than his people.      to see the Speaker Himself.
               Therefore,  in  the  verse  of  the
               manifestation  the  Lord  says,           2.  The Difference between
               “his  Lord  spoke  to  Moses”                the Speech and Vision
               (Quran,  7:  143)  and  not  that            Stations
               his  Lord  spoke  to  them.           Since  prayers  and  speaking  to
               (Kashani, 2001: 280)                  God  are  only  words  without
                                                     vision  and  veil  (Hijab)  is
               Reason for Requesting the Vision      associated with it, Allah says:
               There are reasons behind why                 “To no mortal does God
               Moses wanted to see the Almighty:            speak but through revelation,
                   1.  The  Prophet  Moses’s                from  behind  a  curtain,

                      Longing to See the Almighty           or by sending a Messenger
               After  reaching  this  station  of           who  reveals,  by  His
               being  the  conversor  of  God,              permission whatever He
               Moses'  desire  to  vision  Allah            pleases. He is the  Most
               became too much, so he asked
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