Page 78 - Pure Life 29
P. 78

Functions of Custom Law in … H. Andalib / (77

                      people and reason, however,           procedures meaning the
                      the    phenomenon       of            wise  and  the  mass  of
                      custom  may  belong  to               people  with  a  special
                      these  subjects;  but  it  is         description;  while  custom
                      not the same and united               in this practice is not the
                      with them.                            same as the above definition.

                   4.  The  custom  is  those            5.  Custom (common custom)
                      who were present at the               is  the  continuation  of
                      time  of  the  issuance  of           the action of the rational-
                      sermons  and  religious               because they are rational-
                      arguments and were the                on something. The source
                      direct  audience  of  the             of  custom  is  sometimes

                      message  of  revelation               external  coercion  that
                      and  the  words  of  the              forces  the  reason  in  a
                      Prophet and the Infallibles.          way; but gradually becomes
                      The obvious mistake of                one  of  their  Ertekazat
                      the  above  statement-                and  sometimes  it  has  a
                      which  has  been  made                religious  and  revelatory
                      with the aim of limiting              origin,  as  it  sometimes

                      the scientific and complex            originates  from  human
                      term custom- is that the              nature. (Naeini, 1993: 192-193)
                      custom  in  question  is  a           Equality between custom
                      popular phenomenon and                and  rational  point  of
                      not       the      people             view, heterogeneity between
                      themselves.  It  seems                interpretations,  failure to

                      that  the  source  of  the            fully investigation of the
                      above mistake is the use              principles, are the challenges
                      of  custom  in  some                  facing this definition.
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