Page 109 - Pure Life 30
P. 109
108 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 91-117, Spring 2022
history, crushing the oppressive is possible, and whether the
apparatuses of history one pilgrimage is separate.
after another. The palace Pilgrimage to the graves of
destroyed the oppression and the infallible and other
tyranny of the Umayyahs and pilgrimages to holy places
destroyed the building of the and holy shrines.
Abbasid aggression and These pilgrimage trips and
caused the Shiites to be proud this progressive culture of
of the course of history . pilgrimage have always had a
Pilgrimage has historically growing growth and tangible
become an irrevocable tradition constructive effects since
for Shiites and has gradually ancient times.
become so perfected that the In the past, pilgrimage
culture of pilgrimage itself caravans walked all the
has become so constructive difficulties and sufferings of
and effective that it has given the pilgrimage on foot, for
rise to certain spiritual developments days and weeks and sometimes
and the upliftment of Muslims . months, to fulfill their desires
The culture of pilgrimage and achieve their great and
has regained its special status holy goal .
so that the general Muslims, Then, when the roads were
to travel, generally prioritize created and the chariots
the pilgrimage in their family moved, they made the pilgrimage
life plan, whether it is a easier to some extent; but
pilgrimage to the house of now that the vehicles, trains,
God, which is obligatory if it and planes are available, the
flood of enthusiasts and