Page 124 - Pure Life 30
P. 124

Ethical Considerations of Employment… A. Valenzuela and M. Limba (123

               which can be regarded as the                  and the patient women
               main  source  of  her  other                  and  the  humble  men
               emotions,  the  driving  force                and the humble women,

               behind  her  most  willing                    and the almsgiving men
               acceptance  of  these  heavy                  and  the  almsgiving
               duties,  of  which  she  makes                women, and the fasting
               ideals in life. (Misbah Yazdi, 1991)          men  and  the  fasting
                  Undoubtedly,  there  is  no                women,  and  the  men
               discrepancy in Islam between                  who guard their private

               men  and  women  as  far  as                  parts  and  the  women
               their  relationship  to  Allah  in            who  guard,  and  the
               concerning as both are promised               men  who  remember
               the  same  reward  for  good                  Allah  much  and  the
               conduct     and     the    same               women who remember-
               punishment  for  evil  conduct.               Allah has prepared for
               (Patoari, 2019)                               them forgiveness and a

                  The Quran mentions:                        mighty         reward”.
                      “Surely  the  men  who                 (Quran, 33: 35)
                      submit and the women                   “Surely  (as  for)  those
                      who  submit,  and  the                 who disbelieve, even if
                      believing  men  and  the               they had what is in the
                      believing  women,  and                 earth, all of it, and the

                      the  obeying  men  and                 like  of  it  with  it,  that
                      the obeying women, and                 they  might  ransom
                      the  truthful  men  and                themselves with it from
                      the  truthful  women,                  the  punishment  of  the
                      and  the  patient  men                 day  of  resurrection,  it
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