Page 134 - Pure Life 30
P. 134
Ethical Considerations of Employment… A. Valenzuela and M. Limba (133
1. Positive Impacts much expected such as in
Work has many advantages; beauty salons, textile and
for instance, making individuals boutique, birthing homes and
financially independent, which etc. yet they greatly contribute
is a noble goal. (Kheyamy, 2018) to the economy.
It is mentioned that the Evidence shows that women’s
Prophet Muhammad said: full participation in the economy
“Nobody has ever eaten drives better performing and
a better meal than that more resilient businesses and
which one has earned supports economic growth and
by working with one's wider development goals for
own hands. The Prophet nations. (Revenga and Shetty,
of Allah, David used to 2012)
eat from the earnings Women working in medical
of his manual labor” . field are highly needed in a
(Bukhari, 2017, Vol 34: society. ‘As for medical profession,
Hadith 25) women doctors are badly
needed in the field of
There are many women gynecology and obstetrics.
working in different fields Usually women feel shy and
and we cannot deny that they even forbidden by Islam from
greatly contribute in the field consulting male doctor as per
of economy. Although many as possible in their ante-natal
Muslim women are seen as and post-natal treatment but
teachers, there are also some if it is a question of life and
that worked in factories, death then in special
companies. There are many circumstances it is permitted.
fields wherein men are not