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                 190  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 175-202, Spring 2022


                                                        (2015-So far)
                        Massacre of      Western Support for the Massacre of Muslims and

                 95      Nigerian     Confrontation with the Leader of the Islamic Movement
                         Muslims      (Sheikh Zakzaky) despite the Muslim population of more
                                      than 50% in this country, Especially in the City of Zaria
                                          with the Victims more than 2 Thousand People
                       Suppression of                   (2018-2020)
                       the Movement   A General and Protest Movement in France against the Government
                 96    of Yellow Vests   and the Suppression of Demonstrators Using Security and
                       Movement and   Military Forces and the Stop of Demonstration on Protest
                        Black Vests    Saturdays due to the Occurrence of the Corona Crisis
                       Massacre of High                    (2021)
                 97    School Girls in   The Martyrdom of 55 People Students, Mostly Girls, in Kabul
                        Afghanistan    by Western-backed Terrorist Groups for being Shiites
                       Discovery of                        (2021)
                       Mass Graves   Discovered Corpses of more than Thousand People Church
                 98    in Canada and   or Non-Church Children and Students in Mass Graves; as
                       Other Western      well as 127 Million Victims in 12 Genocides of
                         Countries                  Contemporary History
                          Russia-       The Occurrence of War due to the Cold War Dispute
                 99                     Between the Russia-US and Russia's Use of Veto to
                       Ukraine War
                                       Prevent Leaving Ukraine and the Victims more than 20
                                                      Thousand People
                       Prohibition of

                       Research and     Prohibition of Holocaust Research and Opposition to
                       Opposition to   Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of
                        Freedom of     Research; (Ref: Garaudy, 2000) Also, He Endorsed the
                         Thought,     Views of Robert Faurisson- a British Scholar and Historian
                100     Freedom of    Living in France- on the Holocaust, (Ref: Faurisson, 1980,
                          Speech,      Mémoire en défense; Ibid, 1980) and Published a Small
                        Freedom of      Pamphlet Entitled “Droit de réponse” After Years of
                       Research, and           Persecution; (Ref: Garaudy, 1996)
                        denial of the   On the other hand, the condemnation of Noam Chomsky in
                         Gisu Law     defense of freedom of speech for Faurisson. (Ref: Barsky,
                        (Punishment                      1997: 185)
                        for Denying
                       Historical Facts)
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