Page 96 - Pure Life 30
P. 96

Philosophy of Pilgrimage of … H-S Nateghi and S.S. Shah Naqavi (95

               the  will  to  hide  his  grave,          I have found this pilgrimage
               intended  to  prevent  people          in  an  old  version  of  the
               from diverting attention from          writings  of  our  companions,

               the Creator to the people .            (Ref:  Ibid)  or  that   the  last

                  It  did  not  take  long  for       pilgrimage  to  the  spells  on
               hundreds  of  domes  and               the     inscription    is    the
               courtyards  to  be  erected  on        continuation of God Almighty,
               the graves of the dead, and of         although  he  writes  that  my
               their  domes  rose  to  the  sky,      opinion in the old version of

               and the countless endowments           the components of our companions
               and  vows  on  those  courts           wrote this pilgrimage letter in
               reached the level of endowment         an old version of the writings
               officials.                             of  our  companions  or  that
                  It is claimed that a quarter        (the last pilgrimage to Amallah
               of Iran's endowment property           Ali Al-Nasir Adam Allah Azra)
               is mostly donated to the dead,         has been spelled out, although

               and  also  in  other  Islamic          he  writes  that  my  opinion  in
               countries,  Allameh  Helli  has        the old version of the writings
               collected many fake pilgrimages        of  our  companions  is  this
               in  the  book  of  “Bihar  Al-         pilgrimage  letter  in  an  old
               Anwar”,  for  example:  In  the        version  of  I  have  found  the
               pilgrimage  of  the  Messenger         writings  of  our  companions,

               of God, his rites:                     in  the  pilgrimage  of  the
                      “Found in an old copy           Imams of Baqiya:
                      of our companions' books”.             “Found in an old copy

                      (Majlesi, 1983, Vol. 98: 262)          of  our  companions'

                                                             books”. (Ibid, Vol. 98: 262)
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