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               114  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 93-144, Summer 2022

                  In  addition  to  this,  he         Every  component  of  the
               cautioned his followers that           world has been  created  for
               if anyone killed or abused a           the purpose of accommodating
               non-Muslim in the slightest            and facilitating the fulfillment

               of ways, he would not even             of  man's  noble  mission  of
               be  able  to  smell  the               viceregency.
               fragrance  of  Paradise  and              God  explicitly  mentions
               that the Prophet himself, on           that  the  creation  of  a

               Judgement       Day      would         human being itself without
               speak in the defense of the            taking into consideration its

               non-Muslim.                            caste  and  creed  is  an
                                                      honorable one and something
                   5.  The Principle of Human
                      Dignity  and  Respect           which  is  honored  by  God
                      for  Human  Beings              should  not,  therefore,  be
                      Without  Considering            dishonored by humans:

                      Other Features                     - “We have indeed created
               One of the most influential               man in the best of molds”.
               principles prescribed by Islam            (Quran, 95: 4)
               to attain peace is to adhere              - “We honored the progeny

               to human dignity. Islam aims              of  Adam,  provided  them
               to ascertain, uplift, and sustain         with  transport  on  land
               the  honor  and  dignity  of              and  sea,  gave  them  for

               humans. In the Islamic view,              sustenance  things  good
               man is considered as God's                and  pure,  and  conferred
               vicegerent  on  the  Earth.               on  them  special  favors
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