Page 159 - Pure Life 31
P. 159
158 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022
governments in different eras based on Islamic teachings.
bear proof to this fact. The (Enayat, 2010: 18)
Holy Quran and traditions The Imam Khomeini has
have given rise to Islamic a clear stance with regard
culture and civilization and to the relationship between
prepared ground for their politics and religion:
growth and development The extent of what have
throughout different periods the clerics to do with
by developing concepts, politics? Campaign was
reforms and political thoughts. spread to the point that
For example, in the many scholars had been
Quranic verse “There has convinced and every time
certainly been for you in one word was said [on
the Messenger of Allah an politics] they responded
excellent pattern…”, (Quran, downright: That's politics
33: 21) the Prophet Muhammad and does not concern us.
is described as the pattern (Imam Khomeini, 1999,
of excellence whose words, Vol. 15: 209)
deeds and thoughts will
serve as an example for a The Imam Khomeini
religious society to follow. goes on to highlight the
One of these patterns which negative impacts of this
materialized by the Prophet propaganda campaign, saying:
Muhammad was the Once, the clergy would
establishment of government be respected when it was
deep in idiocy; otherwise,