Page 244 - Pure Life 31
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The Effect of Public Service and Leadership on… K. Kuswanto et al / (243
provided by the village organizations even though
apparatus to the community they are limited by
are good, it will increase economic conditions and
their participation in access to infrastructure.
development and also, on
giving meaning to life. 6. The Influence of
Leadership on
Good service will build a Community Participation
strong bond between the Leadership is an attempt to
community and the influence others to be able
government thereby creating to carry out the programs
great opportunities for the that have been planned. If
community to participate in the government leadership
development. (Anders- is good, then the community
Morawska, 2017) tends to participate in
The benefits felt by the village development.
community from the The findings of
services provided by the Mohulaingo et al (2022) in
government will form an their research state that
idealistic attitude to continue transformative leadership
to participate in development. has a significant influence
The findings conducted by on giving meaning to life
Anders-Morawska (2017) in and community participation
his research state that in Pilohayanga village. A
idealistic people will successful leader is a leader
continue to participate in who tries to pay attention,