Page 58 - Pure Life 31
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Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (57

               government  from  granting                 ➢  Annoying  the  Prophet
               from Bayt al-mal in particular                with  Injustice  to  His
                                                             Own Prophet
               cases,     eliminating      the
               consumption  of  khums  for            Some companions like Ali,

               dhawi al-Qurba, establishing           Abu  Dharr,  Miqdād,  etc.
               an  assembly  council  in              never  in any way  bothered
               Saqifah  Bani-Saʿida,  etc.            the  Prophet  and  disobeyed
               (Suyuti, 2005, Vol. 3: 74)             him.  Ali  has  repeatedly

                  The third caliph, came to           spoken  on  this  issue.  For
               caliphate  with  the  plan  of         example: “Everyone knows
               Umar  and  Ibn  Auf.  He               that  I  have  never  opposed

               adhered  to  the  tradition  of        God and the Prophet in any
               the  two  previous  caliphs.           way”.  Then,  at  the  end  of
               Some  of  his  objections  to          the sermon, he states:

               the  Sunnah  of  the  Prophet             Some of the companions
               include: Delivering authority          of  the  Prophet  after  the
               and  office  to  his  relatives,       story of Saqifah, caused the

               offering  almighty  money              martyrdom of Fatimah, Ali,
               from  Bayt  al-mal  to  the            Hassan and Hussein.
               leaders of the Bani-‘Umayyah,             Imam       Ali     on     the
               praying  completely as four            innocence of Fatima during

               rakʿah in traveling, preventing        her burial says:
               people  to  say  labbayk                  “O  Prophet  of  God!
               during Hajj. (Bayhaqi, 2003,              Your  daughter  will  tell

               Vol. 9: 301)                              you about the involvement
                                                         of  your  companion  in
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