Page 98 - Pure Life 31
P. 98
Islamic Model of Peaceful Coexistence… MR. Dodhiya and M. Ghanbari (97
this story has been desire and anger. These
mentioned only once. two traits along with the
Allamah Tabatabai using limited resources on the
his unique methodology of earth would place this
interpretation mentions the vicegerent in constant
following with regards to unceasing struggle and
the selection of human constant confrontation.
beings as God’s vicegerent Keeping this in view, the
and the objection of the angels at once understood
angels and says: that what Allah intended to
When the angels heard create was not only an
the announcement that God individual but a species.
was going to create a The members of which
vicegerent in the world, they would have to live together,
arrived at the conclusion cooperating with one another,
that this creation would be establish a society and a
the one that would create social order. And with a
mischief in the world due venture like this, they were
to its earthly nature. A bound to cause mischief
vicegerent appointed in the and to shed blood.
earth would certainly be On the other hand,
created from material however, they knew that
components. Therefore, he viceregency or setting one
would necessarily be bestowed thing in place of another
with two basic traits of was unthinkable unless the