Page 112 - Pure Life 32
P. 112

Moral Education of Adolescents… A.S Hosseini Dehshiri (111

               that  in  addition  to  his            shortcomings of others; But
               human personality, each person         if a person thinks a little, he

               must  also  examine  the               realizes  that  he  can  not
               spiritual  dimensions  and             always hide his weaknesses
               moral characteristics of his           and strengths from himself

               individual.  Recognize  his            and others, so he must deal
               strengths  and  weaknesses             with  them  honestly  and
               and  the  ups  and  downs  of          correct them. (Ref: Mousavi

               his  morale  so  that  he  can         Lari, 2007:137)
               eliminate the negative aspects            In the case of adolescents,
               of his behavior and morals             cognitive development allows

               and strengthen the positive            them  to  meditate  and  gain
               aspects of his behavior.               knowledge  as  an  adult,  as
                  Of     course,     this    is       well  as  to  think  about

               relatively difficult; Because          themselves  and  to  know
               man, out of love of nature,            themselves.
               refuses to deal with himself              The  adolescent  not  only
               and  makes  himself  a  false          acquires the necessary ability

               character.                             to  acquire  knowledge,  but
                  Schopenhauer puts it this           is  also  interested  in  it,
               way:                                   because  the  adolescent  is

                  Just as a person does not           not    willing     to    accept
               feel the weight of his body,           something without a reason.
               he does not look at his ugly           He  must  analyze  each

               habits and misbehavior, on             material and find sufficient
               the  contrary,  he  is  always         reasons  to  accept  or  reject
               aware  of  the  faults  and            it.
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