Page 126 - Pure Life 32
P. 126

Moral Education of Adolescents… A.S Hosseini Dehshiri (125

               by  the  situation  of  others.           despises the whole world
               Lying  and  absenteeism  are              for  his  price”.  (Ref:

               signs of helplessness.                    Motahari, 2002: 145)
                  Valuable  qualities in  the
               face  of  moral  vices;  Like             Thus,  the  human  soul  is

               humility,  forgiveness,  self-         an  exquisite  object,  and
               sacrifice,  generosity  and            desirable  moral  attributes
               other virtues are all due to           as  objects  commensurate

               the  dignity  of  the  soul.  A        with  this  exquisite  object,
               humble person is one who,              and      moral      vices     as
               because  he  is  a  noble              inappropriate  objects  that

               human  being,  values  other           devalue  it.  In  other  words,
                                                      man  has  enormous  assets,
               human  beings  as  well,  so
               he  treats  everyone  with             which      are    his    moral

               respect.                               conscience,  which  he  must
                  Forgiveness  and  self-             be  careful  not  to  lose  or
               sacrifice are also due to the          contaminate.
               greatness of the human soul               Whoever refers to himself

               and  honor,  which  prefers            can  realize  the  dignity  of
               the  interests  of  others  to         the  soul  of  this  divine
               itself. Generosity and other           divine essence, each person

               virtues  are  all  due  to             can  understand  that  the
               magnanimity and exaltation             series  of  attributes  is
               and chivalry.                          commensurate  with  him

                  Imam Sajjad says:                   and  other  attributes  are
                  “The  most  valuable  of            below  his  dignity.  As  he
                  all people is the one who           can  recognize,  there  is  no
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