Page 137 - Pure Life 32
P. 137
136 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022
Fourth: The Method of people and people who do
Praising Good Qualities not cause sensitivity.
Praising good qualities is a
method that the coach 5. The Principle of
indirectly leads the Habit Correction and
adolescent to the good. Of Educational Methods
course, in praising the based on the
teenager's friends and Correction
relatives, one should be Although habit plays a role
cautious, not create jealousy in all matters of life, in
and do not damage their ethics special attention has
friendships. been paid to habits.
Philosophers such as Plato
Because teens want to be
noticed by coaches all the and Aristotle have spoken
time, and when they feel about habit from a spiritual
they have failed and some and moral point of view, as
of their friends have we mentioned in the first
succeeded, they become chapter. Habit has both
frustrated; And they feel positive and negative
competition and even a effects. Habits can be
kind of resentment towards effective in eliminating and
the friends who have been neutralizing negative and
defined, so it is better to positive factors and contexts.
use this method less to Creating emotional resistance
mention someone's name or to problems and unfortunate
to use prominent historical issues and neutralizing its
adverse effects is a positive