Page 152 - Pure Life 32
P. 152

The Strategic Model of Sports Leisure Management… M.S Kiani and L. Nazari (151

               a  praiseworthy  attribute.               A  strong  and  powerful
               Some  types  of  sports  are           believer is better and more

               mentioned in the hadiths of            lovable than a weak believer.
               the  Prophets  and  it  is                Also,  health  care,  a
               emphasized  to  have  a                lively  and  cheerful  spirit,

               regular sports program.                order  and  discipline  in  life
                  According  to  historical           and strengthening the human
               evidence, some sports were             spirit    are    among       the

               common during the time of              favorite  things  of  Islam.
               the     Prophet     and     the        Success         cannot       be
               Infallible Imams, and those            separated  from  sports  and

               nobles  encouraged  people             physical education.
               to  learn  them,  and  perhaps            Therefore,  it  can  be
               they themselves participated.          claimed  that  the  natural

                  The principle of strength,          effects of sports are among
               having a capable, ready and            the highest goals of Islam.
               healthy body, is one of the               In  today's  age,  when
               favorite principles of Islam,          machines and industry have

               as  the  beloved  Messenger            replaced  natural  human
               of Islam said:                         activities;  Sports  and  its
                  “Al-Mu'min  al-Qawi  is             cultural  development  are

                  good  and  I  love  Allah           essential in the society, and
                  from the weak believers”.           the  need  for  its  individual
                  (Khorramshahi            and        and     social    constructive

                  Ansari,1997:640)                    benefits  and  effects  is  felt
                                                      more.  According  to  this
                                                      introduction,  basically  the
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