Page 208 - Pure Life 32
P. 208

The Requirements of Time and Placeā€¦ K. Korkmaz and S.H. Abedian (207

               interest.  The  guardian's             ruler at the time of descent
               existence  will  be  required          or issuance, are considered

               to    fill    the    clearance         as     one     evidence       of
               territory  to  uphold  social          connected rationality.
               justice  in  accordance  with             From this point of view,

               the  needs  of  the  time  and         the  conditions  of  time  and
               place.                                 place in the era of descent
                  For  example,  according            in  the  obligation  of  zakat

               to  the  conditions  of  time          somehow  played  a  role  in
               and  place  (if  needed)  and          determining  the  cases  of
               the establishment of social            zakat of commercial property.

               justice,     the    ruler     or       The  Holy  Prophet  and  his
               guardian  can  develop  the            family  had  the  right  to
               obligatory  cases  of  zakat           determine the zakat belongings

               and  determine  new  and               from their position as governors.
               invented      examples        of          According to the sayings
               commercial goods for collecting        and opinions of the Imami
               zakat     and     making      it       jurists, it is very clear that

               mandatory.                             time  and  place  play  an
                                                      important  role  in  rulings,
               Conclusion                             and the topics of the rulings

               Time  and  place  mean  that           may  change  with  the
               the characteristics of every           change  of  time,  place  and
               age and every environment              with the change of topic.

               influence  the  topics  of                Paying close attention to
               rulings.  The  temporal  and           the  definition  of  the  word
               spatial  conditions  and  the
                                                      property is crucial; because
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