Page 160 - Pure Life 33
P. 160
The Position of Intellect in the… S.J. Ebrahimi & H. Sadeqi (159
Research and perspective Knowledge in the Thought
might be considered as one of Sheikh Saduq
of the causes to recognize In the thought of Sheikh
and discover moral rules. Saduq, knowledge is
Their intellectual obligation against of ignorance, and
in recognition of Allah is its scope is to be dominant
executed in other human of what connotes to.
recognitions, including (Saduq, 2000: 135)
moral ones. Furthermore, the Since he believed in
construction of a recognition knowledge of an object as
from research and sign of its creation,
perspective is one of the declared that human actions
pillars for a belief’s are the creatures of Allah
moralization. (Locke, 2003: 440) because He knows them all.
Since to believe in God (Ibid, 1993: 30)
is categorized in the scope So, knowledge is from
of voluntary and optional Allah. Sheikh Saduq
human actions, it is considered divine knowledge
classified as a moral act as selfsame of His essence
while moral acting in this and inaccessible to others.
essential belief requires the (Ibid, 2000: 31)
application of research and Allah said:
perspective. “They said, ‘Immaculate
are You! We have no
knowledge except what
You have taught us.
Indeed, You are the All-