Page 222 - Pure Life 33
P. 222

De-militarization of Language… K.R. Jamani. & A.A. Shameli (221

               dead,  he  is  dead.  By  God,         Theoretical Foundation of
               we  have  a  duty  to  the             Research

               Arabic        language        to           1.  Militarization  and
               preserve       this     Islamic               De-Militarization  of
               language. All of you should                   Language

               learn      this      language.            The  dictionary  meaning
               (Motahhari, 2008)                      of  Militarization  is  the  act
                  Learning a language is a            of  bringing  military  forces

               skill  and  in  learning  skill,       into  an  area,  this  can  also
               the  method  is  one  of  the          be used in academics.
               important  element  of  the               The        concept         of

               process  being  used  in               militarization  of  textbook
               learning  that  skill.  The            can be explained as putting
               technique  which  is  being            violent/negative         words

               followed  effects  on  the             within the text to explain a
               multiple areas.                        concept.
                  This     research      paper           A  word  doesn’t  carry  a
               focuses on the phrases and             meaning  only,  it  comes

               words      being     used     in       with  a  background  having
               teaching  Arabic  grammar              mainly        cultural      and
               in textbooks and its impact            psychological effect on human

               on  human  life.  It  will             brain and personality.
               identify  what  will  be  the             There      were      greater
               effects  of  using  negative           incidents of genocide in the

               words  and  phrases  on                remaining  fifty  years  than
               human life?                            at  some  other  time  in
                                                      records.  At  the  same  time
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