Page 50 - Pure Life 33
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The Educational Thoughts in… M. Kadkhodaei & J. Zeng (49
to progress. As Prophet In addition to emphasizing
Mohammad says: the importance of questioning,
“Science is a treasure and both schools seriously put great
the key is the question. So, emphasis on the importance of
ask! May God have mercy education through acknowledging
on you; because the question ignorance and avoiding to do
rewards four people: the something without acquiring
questioner, the teacher, the prerequisite knowledge. As
listener and the one who the Holy Quran strongly
answers the question”. forbids undocumented speech,
(Isfahani, 2011, Vol. 3: 192; and states:
Hakim, 2009, Vol. 7: 155) “When you welcomed it
with your tongues, and
Confucius asked others uttered with your mouths
about anything and did not that whereof you had no
feel inferior because of it. He knowledge, you counted it a
believed that what causes trifle. In the sight of Allah
human inferiority is not it is very great”. (Quran,
questioning; but not asking 24: 15)
others when not knowing.
he says: Confucius with special
One who is intelligent and emphasis considers someone
eager to learning should wise who can say the word “I
not be ashamed of asking do not know”, and he says in
questions of a lower position. this regard:
(Yang, 1980, Part. 5, If you know, say I know.
Chapter. 15) And if you do not know, say
I do not know. Only then
you can be considered wise.