Page 86 - Pure Life 33
P. 86

Impact of Observance of Family Members' Rights… M.M. Safouraei Parizi (85

                  The wife must stay in the           of love, compassion, sacrifice,
                  dwelling that the husband           devotion  and  kindness  to

                  allots for her unless such          reverberate.
                  a right is reserved to the             A  child  is  like  a  newly
                  wife.  (The  Civil  Code  of        blossomed  bud  decorating

                  the  Islamic  Republic  of          the     grassland     of     the
                  Iran, 2002: Article 1114)           marriage life with tenderness
                                                      and freshness. A child is a
               Children's Rights                      gift from God and a sign of

               A child is the sweetest fruit          divine  grace  that  brings
               of love between a man and              with  it  abundant  good

               a woman who are lawfully               making the parents trustees
               married  to  each  other.  The         of  the  divine  trust  and
               presence  of  a  child  in  a          enabling them to perpetuate
               marital     life    not    only        themselves       over      time

               increases love and affection;          through  their  offspring  by
               commitment and a sense of              honoring  the  divine  trust.
               responsibility;  hope  and             This  aspiration  will  not  be

               optimism        in      marital        materialized except through
               relationships  but  it  also           fulfilling  the  rights  which
               causes the couple to witness           the  owner  of  trust  has

               their child as a reflection of         determined and prescribed.
               their  'common  self'.  The
               crying  and  laughing  of  a               1.  The Right to have a

               baby  are  like  a  plectrum                  Good Name
               striking  the  lyre  of  their         To choose a good name for
               existence causing the music            a baby is among the rights
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