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            184  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023

               On the other hand, 50% of              conclude that the most writers
            articles  were  written  by  two          would  be  from  Iran,  but
            people,  23%  of  three  people,          involving another country not
            47% of articles with two male             only Asian or Middle east but
            authors, 13% of articles with             also western countries is a big

            three  male  authors,  and  5%            achievement for this journal.
            were  written  without  their                93% of qualitative articles,
            presence, 45% of articles with            5% quantitative and 2% were

            one female author and 3% of               mixed. This point shows that
            articles  with  two  female               doing  statistical  and  mixed
            authors, and 52% were written             method is necessary and some

            without their presence.                   complex  issues  in  this  field
               In  the  scientific  degree  of        need  to  be  done  by  these
            writers; 5 are professor, 7 are           methods.

            associate  professor,  5  are                82%      of    papers     were
            assistant  professor,  19  are            descriptive-analytical articles.
            faculty  members,  etc.  this             It seems that the analyzing the
            finding  represent  that  this            relationships  of  variables,

            journal is highly qualified and           using questionnaires, statistical
            reliable,  because  a  lot  of  its       analyses,  forming  an  elite
            writers  have  an  Academic               core  to  analyze  the  current

            degree.                                   issues  of  the  Islamic  world,
               Between  countries;  Iran              future  studies,  fundamental
            with  71  authors,  Syria  with           and applied, can increase the

            eight  authors,  has  the  largest        diversity of its methodology.
            quantity. It could be explained              Islamic  Azad  University
            that because Iranian university           and  Al-Mustafa  International

            publish this journal so we can            University  With  ten  authors
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