Page 33 - Pure Life 34
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32 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023
the capability of moving from Aristotle, the Neoplatonists,
potency to actuality with and Ibn Sina. Although
regard to the Intellect and the Aquinas and Mulla Sadra
intelligible. (Mulla Sadra, agree on many points, they
1981: 148) differ about the incipience of
The question of the soul the soul.
was one that perplexed For Aquinas, God creates
philosophers in Europe as the soul as an immaterial
well as those in Muslim entity and attaches it to the
countries, all of whom drew body when the body has
upon Platonic, Aristotelian, developed in such a manner
Stoic, and Neoplatonist or that it can be suitably
post-Aristotelian Platonist sources receptive to the soul.
to attempt to reconcile the For Mulla Sadra, on the
conflicts between religious other hand, the soul emerges
and philosophical views of from the body as its corporeal
the soul, and between different form and only then develops
philosophical accounts, especially by substantial motion in such a
between the Platonic and the way as to become independent
Aristotelian. of the body, so that what was
If we compare the views of the form or entelechy of the
Aquinas and Mulla Sadra on body becomes the psychic
the origination of the soul, material that can take on an
(Ref: Rezazadeh, 2011) we intellectual form.
find that both were engaged The problem raised by
with many of the same Allamah Misbah is whether it
debates about how to would not be more sensible to
understand the views of Plato, accept a view of the origin of