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            42  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023

            is  committed  is  not  so  easily        existence  of  souls  prior  to
            reconciled with Aristotle.                their  corporeal  generation.
               Sadra writes:                          Although he explicitly asserts
               These  souls  prior  to  their         that  the  religious  texts  are
               descent  in  the  bodies  were         consistent  with  the  physical

               distinguished  from  each              generation  of  the  soul  in  the
               other     by     the     active        body,  his  explanations  of  the
               intelligible  dimensions  and          matter  are  not  easy  to

               aspects  preceding  their              comprehend.
               natural  beings  in  essence,             In  The  Wisdom  of  the
               and     not    by     receptive        Throne, he writes:

               accidents  prior  to  their               The human soul has a form
               quiddities.                               of  existence  preceding  the
               There is an indication of it              body, without this entailing

               in  his  [i.e.  the  Prophet’s]           the transmigration of souls,
               saying, may the blessing of               and  without  necessitating
               God be upon him and upon                  the  pre·eternity  of  the
               his progeny, that: “We are                individual  soul,  which  is

               the preceding ones and the                the  well·known  view  of
               posterior  ones”;  and  his               Plato. (Mulla Sadra, 1981: 140)
               saying:  “I  was  a  prophet

               when  Adam  was  between                  This  can  be  interpreted  in
               water and clay”. (Mulla Sadra,         at least two ways. First, Sadra
               2008: 300)                             might  mean that the  soul has
                                                      two forms of existence: one in
               Furthermore,  Mulla  Sadra             which the soul exists prior to
            cites verses of the Quran and             the body and another in which
            narrations like those mentioned           the body comes first.

            in this quote that indicate the
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