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            94  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(34), Spring. 2023

            The Standard of Moral Action              diligence       and      chivalry.
            from Machiavelli's Viewpoint              (Machiavelli, 2011, Vol. 5: 50)
            Machiavelli  describes  ethics               According  to  Machiavelli,
            from  two  aspects:  Individual           the  concept  of  virtue  should
            ethics,  which  a  person  must           be  studied  in  the  light  of  the

            adhere to ethics as much as he            concept      of     power      and
            can,  and  social  ethics,  which         utilitarian  ethics.  Machiavelli
            is the same ethics in the field           stated  in  the  book  “Prince

            of  politics  and  society.  Then         and  Speeches”  that  power  is
            he  has  distinguished  between           an  end  in  itself  and  virtue
            the ethics of a healthy society           should  be  at  the  service  of

            from  the  ethics  of  an                 power. (Ibid: 102)
            unhealthy society.                           Based on Machiavelli views,
               He  maintains  that  in  an            it is not necessary to observe

            unhealthy society, morality is            ethics  in  the  political  sphere;
            subordinate  to  necessity  and           and  keeping  power  and
            political expediency.                     supporting it is more important.
               Machiavelli stresses on the               In  “The  Prince”  book,  he

            dialectical relationship between          emphasizes  that  in  order  to
            morality  and  law  and  says:            have  a  healthy  society,  the
            Just as good law is necessary             ruler  must  adhere  to  ethics,

            to  maintain  good  morality,             but this adherence of the ruler
            good morality is also necessary           to  ethics  is  not  permanent,
            to obey laws.                             and  whenever  the  ruler  feels

               He believes that the concepts          that  the  observance  of  ethics
            of    virtue     and     art    are       is in conflict with the interests
            associated  with  merit,  effort,         of the government or his person,
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