Page 106 - Pure Life 35
P. 106
Implications of the Divine Ethics … S. Ibrahim & M.M. Gorjian Arabi (105
Him, has its root in divine source of poverty, ignorance
perfection. and incompetence, who is
On the other hand, when dependent on a being that is
man is aware of his own the source of power, richness,
nature of poverty and and knowledge. (Ref:
ignorance, and that of other Jawadi Amoli, 2000)
contingent beings, he realizes
the divine independent 10. Complete Disconnection
existence as the source of towards an Independent
knowledge and wisdom. Being
Meanwhile, every existent Disconnection towards God,
who is pure knowledge and means man’s disconnection
wise does all his work based from other than God and
on justice, wisdom and mercy. paying full attention to the
The Almighty is pure wise, supreme being. Man does not
any work that devoid wisdom pay any attention to his own
does not emanate from Him, discontinuity in complete
and no means can alter His disconnection. (Jawad Amoli,
wisdom. (Javadi Amoli, 2000) 2000)
In the stage of submission,
9. State of Submission man surrenders himself to the
and Delegation most high, and to His
When man is deficient of command. At this stage, man
desire, and submits to the will considers himself as a being
of the real Owner, he and feels that he owns
develops an independent view something.
of his own reality which is the