Page 122 - Pure Life 35
P. 122

The Most Important Application of Self-knowledge… T.S. Amini et al (121

               -  The  stage  of  mudhqa              which  is  his  soul  and  self.
               (fleshy tissue);                       (Ibid. Vol. 2: 162)

                                                         What  is  fundamental  and
               - The stage of bones;
                                                      exists in all stages is self and
               - The stage of flesh.                  soul,  and  the  immortality  of

                                                      the  soul  is  due  to  its
               By  passing  through  these            incorporeality  and  it  remains
            stages  of  creation,  man                enduring  and  immortal  until

            becomes       the     owner      of       the  Day  of  Resurrection.
            physical      dimension        and        (Ibid, 2010: 21)
            substance,  (Tabatabai,  1997,               One  of  the  proofs  of  the

            Vol.  12:  223;  Ibid,  Vol.  16:         existence  of  an  incorporeal
            383-384;  Ibid,  Vol.  20:                self is the issue of knowledge
            194&548)  after  the  gradual             and awareness. The soul is  a

            material  creation,  he  has              self-aware  and  other-aware
            another  creation  that  is               being.
            contrary  to  the  previous                  On the other hand, science

            creation  and  is  incorporeal            and  knowledge  are  also
            (Ibid, Vol. 15: 23) and this is           incorporeal. The achievement
            the  spiritual  dimension  and            and      presence       of     the
            substance.                                incorporeal  thing  is  also  not

               Thus,  when  God  created              possible  for  the  material
            man, he made him composed                 thing,  because  matter  is  the

            of  two  parts  and  having  two          object     of     absence      and
            substances; physical substance,           division.
            which       is    his    physical            So  the  self  is  incorporeal;
            substance, and abstract substance,
                                                      Therefore, Allameh Tabatabai
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