Page 141 - Pure Life 35
P. 141
140 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(35), Summer. 2023
The conclusion is that in plays a more prominent role
this system, man must always than Bergson's.
search for the truth and
discover new situations and Acknowledement
not accept stillness and take I thank the kind Lord for
steps towards a better state. providing the opportunity and
In a brief statement, conditions to write this
according to Allameh it article. This article is
should be said: The reality of extracted from the PhD Thesis,
realities is God. The way to entitled: “A Comparative Study
reach this reality is self- of the Philosophical
knowledge but in Bergsons’s Foundations of Self-Knowledge
from the Perspective of
thought by delving into
oneself and being actively Allameh Tabatabai and Henry
present in oneself, create and Bergson and Its Implications
propose new issues and ideas. for Moral Education” at
Bergson was looking to give Islamic Azad University
a precise meaning to the word (Central Tehran Branch).
“Being”. From his viewpoint, Hereby, I am grateful to all
for a self-aware soul, this my honorable professors, my
word means constant change, dear family and friends, and
evolution and change to the Editor-in-Chief of the
maturity and maturity to self- Pure Life Journal. May we
creation on an ongoing basis. begin a spiritual journey from
Therefore, paying attention ourselves to Holy God.
to religion and monotheistic
ideas in Allameh's opinions