Page 113 - Pure Life 36
P. 113
112 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
Introduction Based on the Principle of
Ethics has always been one of Utility, only an action and
the most essential issues in rule that has the highest level
human life and addressing of benefit and happiness for
this issue is one of the most the largest number of people
important tasks of any in society is correct and
researcher who has intellectual necessary.
and practical concerns about According to many Western
education. Ethics and happiness thinkers, utilitarian ethics,
can be considered as a coin. despite the criticisms and
(Hosseini Dehshiri, 2022: 100) modifications it has always
One of the interesting and faced, is now one of the most
important topics in the field popular ethical philosophies
of ethics is pleasure. With this and one of the most
assumption, the question arises acceptable foundations on
whether all pleasures are which ethics, rights, politics,
permissible for humans or and economics can be built.
some pleasures are forbidden Jeremy Bentham, an influential
for him. British philosopher, jurist, and
One of the prominent, reformer, was the founder of
famous, and late examples of utilitarianism. He was action-
pleasure-oriented schools, if oriented, pleasure-seeking, and
not the most important type, holistic, and his philosophical
is utilitarianism, which is foundation, which is based on
based on the fundamental the pleasure-seeking nature of
principle of utility or humans, is still valid.
maximizing good. (Golestani, 2001: 23&116)