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            150   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023

            believer abandons the love for               Satan.  Truly  he  is  a
            this temporary and illusionary               manifest enemy unto you”.
            world,  as  well  as  deceit  and            (Qur’an, 2: 208)
            self-love,  the  believer  can
            embark  on  the  journey  of                 Imam Khomeini  mobilized

            repentance,          detachment,          believers  against  corruption,
            remembrance, and contemplation.           evilness, and moral deviation
               This  path  goes  beyond  the          through  the  evocation  of  the

            apparent  religion  and  the              teachings of the prophetic and
            hypocritical      actions      that       Imami  figures.  This  was
            people who pose as believers              highly  effective  in  terms  of

            perform. Rather, it is through            political  mobilization  and
                                                      even gathered the attention of
            constant perfection, repentance
            from  sins,  and  abstaining              other      ideological      forces

            from passions and desires that            opposing Pahlavi after 1963.
            one can reach the state of the               In  esoteric  terms,  Imam
            spiritual     wayfarers;       But        Khomeini        evoked       these
            because there is a humanizing             narrations as a hermeneutical

            project that descends directly            movement  in  politics  and  a
            from  God,  there  is  also  a            political      movement          in
            dehumanizing  project  tied  to           religion. It was necessary for

            Satan  as  the  enemy  of                 the  context  where  religious
            humankind.                                classes  faced  opposition  by
               The Holy Qur’an says:                  both  the  regime  and  Modern

               “O! you who believe! Enter             ideologies, (Martin, 2004: 100)
               into  peace  altogether,  and          and it was also a call to action
               follow  not  the  footsteps  of        for  quietist  or  non-political
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