Page 167 - Pure Life 36
P. 167
166 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 10(36), Autumn. 2023
Introduction other nations, consequently
The higher education system leading to their progression
of Uganda, being primarily and the advancement of their
based on the British system, respective countries.
experiences challenges that Furthermore, the prevailing
make it incapable of meeting educational framework persists
the current needs of its in delivering instruction in
citizens; Including the foreign languages, neglecting
disorientation of the current indigenous linguistic contexts.
system from reality by This sentiment is succinctly
focusing on insignificant encapsulated in Nuwagaba's
foreign cultural concepts and assertion: Students in higher
artifacts, promotion of institutions are bombarded
theoretical learning as with material, most of which
opposed to practical learning, is not useful at all, at least in
the inability of graduates' terms of helping an individual
capacity to solve prevailing to harness his/her
challenges, and teaching an environment for one's benefit
irreverent curriculum. (Naiga, 2010) or the benefit of society.
Likewise, a substantial (Nuwagaba, 2005)
number of science students In addition, some of the
have encountered limited higher education institutes
encouragement to engage in (HEIs) in Uganda are profit-
comprehensive research within oriented while students are
our diverse natural milieu, examination-oriented.
unlike their counterparts in (Mugagga 2016)