Page 60 - Pure Life 36
P. 60

A Critical Approach to Human Position… H. A. Islaminasab & H. Moridian (59

               Chopra  considers  man  to             beliefs  related  to  God  and
            have infinite abilities that can          spirituality       and        even
            be used to achieve what they              polytheistic       views       and

            want.     Man      has     infinite       presented them  as  spirituality
            knowledge, ability, and creativity        to  his  followers;  As  he  has
            in  his  essence,  and  ability  is       written  a  book  about  three
            the  fundamental  nature  of              religious and spiritual figures,
            man. (Chopra, 2001)                       namely  the  Prophet  of  Islam,
               The  focus  of  Chopra's               Christ,  and  Buddha,  and  by
            thoughts  is  man,  his  position         this  means  he  has  tried  to
            in the Universe, and his inner            make  his  false  thinking
            forces.  He  tries  to  present  a        universal. Therefore, some of
            philosophical  attitude  toward           his  works  have  become
            man, according to which man               famous  in  Iran  for  their
            can do extraordinary things in            spiritual  and  mystical  flavor
            the Universe through his mind.            and  have  attracted  many
               He      thinks      that     by        young people.
            discovering  the  power  of  the             In  some  cases,  he  also
            mind  and  the  unlimited                 refers  to  the  poems  of
            influence  that  the  mind  has,          Maulana  Jalaluddin  Balkhi,
            he  can  conceptualize  “God”             and  this  makes  the  audience,
            through  the  seven  questions            especially the Iranian type, at
            and even put man in place of              first  glance,  consider  the
            the  Creating  God  and  make             mentioned  mysticism  to  be
            man a partner of the Almighty             correct  mysticism  and  follow
            God in creation.                          it, while there are fundamental
               With       a      conservative         differences between the thoughts
            approach,  he  tries  to  take  all       of this type of mysticism and
            religions  and  schools  with             Islamic  mysticism,  Iranian
            him,  so  from  every  religion,          culture  and  the  opinions  of
            school, and sect, he has taken            Jalaluddin Balkhi.
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