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90  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 10(36), Autumn. 2023
            to  determine  abnormality.               which  consists  of  adverse
            Some  types  of  these  criteria          effects on individuals or society.
            come as follows:                          The last criterion concentrates
            - Deviation from cultural norms           on  subjective  feelings  of
                                                      distress  such  as  anxiety,
            - Deviation from social norms
                                                      depression,  or  agitation  or
            - Maladaptive behavior                    some experiences like insomnia,
                                                      loss of appetite, etc. However,
            - Personal distress
                                                      none  of  the  above-mentioned
               As  far  as  social  and               criteria propose a comprehensive

            personal  norms  go,  ideas  of           and  competent  description  of
            normality  and  abnormality               abnormality. (Nolen-Hoeksema et al,
            differ within each society.               2009: 538-539)

               In addition, one may consider             Considering  the  criteria  of
            statistical  norms  in  personal          disorder,  the  first  and  second
            cases. As a result, an extremely          ones  take  advantage  of  the
            intelligent or happy man would            word  normal  whereas  the

            be classified as abnormal. The            third  one  considers  some
            proponents of the third criterion         concepts  such  as  adverse,

            believe that the most important           harmful,  etc.  The  fourth
            criterion  is  the  influence  of         criterion is subjective, so it is
            behavior,       thoughts,      and        based  on  man’s  introspection
            feelings  on  the  well-being  of         rather than objective signs.

            individuals or social groups.             3. Normality
               This      view       considers         Some  characteristics  could  to
            maladaptation  as  something
                                                      some  extent  represent  a
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