Page 162 - Pure Life 37
P. 162

A Scientometric Analysis on the Ethics Education… A. Karimi et al (161

                       can be measured based on the              also illustrates how COVID-19
                       colors  determined  by  the               and        ethics       education
                       software.  For  each  word,  a            frequently      come      up     in

                       time  interval  is  determined            conversations        on     social
                       that  determines  whether  it  is         media.  It  also  emphasizes

                       old  or  new,  which  will  be            how  the  coronavirus  affects
                       presented  in  the  form  of              moral judgment.

                       diagrams.                                    Additionally,      it    draws
                         With  this  map,  the  impact           attention  to  the  relationship

                       of Corona on ethics education             between pandemic-related social
                       can  be  measured  and  hot               media  communication  and
                       topics  can  be  identified  after        ethics  education.  Lastly,  it

                       2019  so  that  researchers  will         illustrates the methods used in
                       not    have      any     problem          technology-enhanced  ethical
                       identifying trends.                       education to improve resilience

                         Based  on  Diagram  6,  it  is          during the epidemic.
                       possible  to  investigate  how
                       the  COVID-19  epidemic  has

                       affected  ethics  teaching  by
                       using  overlay  visualizations.
                       These  graphics  demonstrate
                       the  relationship  between  the

                       pandemic's  stages  and  the
                       uptake of educational technology

                       in ethical education.
                         They  also  demonstrate  the
                       relationships  and  cooperative
                       efforts  across  organizations,

                       instructors,  and  scholars  in
                       the  field  of  public  health
                       ethics education. The graphic
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