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                       168   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       ethical  coaches  providing               disrupted      the    pure    life.
                       guidance       and      personal          Uncertainties       and     health
                       feedback on ethical reasoning             worries  have  led  to  an
                       and decisions.                            increase  in  mental  health,

                         The      trends    and     gaps         anxiety,  and  depression,  as
                       identified in this area will be           well  as  changes  in  teaching
                       further  discussed  in  the               strategies and ethical issues in

                       conclusion.                               education.
                                                                    Additionally, vaccine hesitancy
                       Conclusion                                has  affected  public  health

                       The COVID-19 pandemic has                 initiatives  by  making  people
                       significantly  increased  the
                       scientific  output  on  ethics            reluctant  to  be  vaccinated.
                       education,       with       1,422
                       recordings  in  2023  being  the          impacted adolescents' education
                       largest.                                  and well-being, nursing students
                         The  data  is  sourced  from            face  moral  dilemmas,  and

                       the  Science  Direct  citation            lockdown  procedures  have
                       profile,  a  respected  scientific        affected  many  facets  of
                       database, and shows a steady              society.

                       rise  in  the  number  of                    Qualitative  research  has
                       scholarly  works  about  ethics           helped      provide     a    more
                       education.  Research  papers              nuanced understanding of the

                       are the most common type of               ethical  implications  of  the
                       writing,  with  3,588  articles           epidemic.
                       published     in    the    ethics            The  COVID-19  pandemic
                       education dataset.                        has  significantly  impacted

                         The  COVID-19  epidemic                 ethics  teaching,  with  overlay
                       has  brought  about  numerous             visualizations  demonstrating
                       difficulties  and  ramifications          the  relationship  between  the

                       for  the  subject  of  ethics             pandemic's  stages  and  the
                       teaching      and      somehow            adoption of educational technology
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