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Guide for Authors
1. Article must include following sections:
• Title
• Author(s) Profile
• Abstract in Three Parts: SUBJECT & OBJECTIVES, METHOD
& FINDING, CONCLUSION (Minimum 150 and Maximum 250 Words)
• key Words (Between 5-7 Words/ Also, the necessity of using all key
words in the abstract and text of the paper)
• Introduction
• Theoretical Foundations and Research Background
• Research Method
• Paper Structure
• Conclusion
• Acknowledgment
• Funding
• Author Contributions
• List of References (Maximum 50 References)
2. Only those articles will be considered which had not been published before
and their authors have not been obligated not to publish them elsewhere.
3. The articles that can be published in IMJPL include: Research Articles,
Applied Articles, Review Articles with a Comparative Approach, Case-Studies,
Methodological Articles, Articles Related to Model and Pattern Design,
Articles Resulting from Theorizing, and Articles derived from Dissertations
and Theses.
4. Responsibility of scientific and legal authenticity of the articles will rest
upon the corresponding author.
5. The right to accept or reject an article is reserved for the IMJPL.
6. Final approval for an article to be published will be made by the editorial
board after the recommendation of referees. The arbitration process is
“Double Blind Peer Review”.
7. Length of an article must be 8 pages at least and 20 pages at most where
each page contains 250 words. (Minimum 2000 Words and Maximum 5000 Words)
8. Quotations and adaptations from articles of the IMJPL, with reference to
the source, are allowed.
9. To write an English article, be “Times New Roman” font with the size of
14pt should be used.
10. References should be arranged alphabeticaliy and should be listed
as follows; Also, it is necessary to add the DOI or DOR Code at the end of
the references: