Page 65 - Pure Life 38
P. 65
64 / International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(38), Spring. 2024
in worldly pleasures and lusts true growth and perfection.
and neglecting the hereafter This point is instructive both
Another point related to for the life of believers and
Mulla Ṣadrā's realistic thought non-believers. It is a lesson for
and providing a desirable and the believers since it reminds
happy life can be obtained from them to give depth to their
the third reason mentioned. worship and not to be satisfied
Mulla Ṣadrā has dealt strongly with the mere performance of
with literalism in his works. It worship in an outward form. It
means that instead of deep is possible to fulfill one's duty
thinking, one is satisfied with outwardly by performing prayer
superficial evidence, and based and fasting, but prayer and
on that, a verdict is issued, or fasting that are devoid of the
instead of thinking about the spirit of servitude, neither
subject of discussion and make man aware of higher
without understanding the secret perfections, nor make him
and the reason for the events and aware of God Almighty, and
happenings, human time is spent do not cause him to be humble
doing routines. For example, before God. This doctrine, i.e.,
instead of thinking about the the negation of appearances, is
meanings of the verses of the also useful for non-believers
Holy Qur’an and putting the because it prevents their
correct understanding of divine hypocrisy, arrogance, and
knowledge at the top of his selfishness against the truth
life, he spends his attempts and provides the ground for
only on reading the correct their guidance and salvation
letters and words of the The third reason inspires the
scriptures. The result of such point that all moral and
superficiality will be a lack of jurisprudential rulings in some
correct understanding of way express the real
religious teachings. (Mulla relationship between voluntary
Ṣadrā, 1984: 62-63) affairs and human happiness.
A superficial life may make a Therefore, even though the
person appear happy confronting moral recommendations and
others, but in reality, it is not a jurisprudential rules are in the
happy life and it does not bring form of orders and it may be