Page 305 - Pure Life 14
P. 305

Cultural Impacts of Virtual System on the Behavior of Religious Studies Students /309
                                       .» نوقساف مهنم ریثکو «

                              and many of them are sinners.

                  Fasiqoon means people who perform act of sin by
               not obeying to Allah (swt).
                  How I was observing (I do it now as well) it in the
               society – people call themselves Muslim but they do
               not  pray  salah,  they  do  not  fast,  they  do  not  give
               zakat,  they  consume  alcohol,  they  make  wedding
               party  with  alcohol,  they  consume  substances  made
               haram in Islam, they are involved in adultery (zina),
               they  gamble,  they  offend  people  who  really  practice
               Islam  and  try  to  be  a  real  follower  of  the  Prophet
               (pbuh), imam Ali ibn Abu Talib and other imams of
               Ahlul-Bayt, they go to a tree and beg tree for recovery
               from illness ask for a child or wealth etc, But yet they
               call  themselves  Muslim  and  Shia  of  Ali...  Very
               disappointing  and  to  be  honest  disgusting…  I  was
               hating them because of the lie they say and practice.
                  This  hatred  increased  significantly  wen  I  realized
               that  I  spent  35  years  of  my  life  in  the  environment
               where a little was from Islam but lots of things were
               from  bid’ah  (innovation  in  religion)  and  shirk
               (associating a partner with Allah (swt)).
                  So  my  behavior  towards  the  society  was  in
               prosecuting mode and it was guilty in my mind.

               1. Hadid, 4.
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