Page 303 - Pure Life 14
P. 303
Cultural Impacts of Virtual System on the Behavior of Religious Studies Students /311
How Pharaoh Managed to Oppress Them?
The answer is in Quran:
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حبذی مهنم ةفئاط فعضتسی اعیش اهلهأ لعجو ضرلأا يف لاع نوعرف نإ «
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.» نیدسفملا نم ناک هنإ مهءاسن يیحتسیو مهءانبأ
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Pharaoh exalted himself in the land, and divided its people
into factions. He persecuted a group of them (Bani Isra’il),
slaughtering their sons, while sparing their daughters. He
was truly a corrupter.
E singled out Bani Isra’il within Egypt, But how
he managed oppress other people? In Quran Allah
(swt) talks about Pharaoh and how he gained control
over people:
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.» نیقساف اموق اوناک مهنإ ُهوعاطأف هموق فختساف َ «
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Thus he stupefied his people, and they obeyed him, they
were wicked (sinning) people.
How Could he Manage to Stupefy Them?
The answer is in Quran again. When Hz Musa and
Harun (pbut) came to Pharaoh and called him upon
releasing Bani Isra’il, which was under his
oppression. Hz Musa had his staff as a miracle, he
dropped it and it became a real snake: َ
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.» نیبم نابعث يه اذإف ُهاصع یقلأف «
So he threw his rod, then lo! it was a clear serpent.
1. Qasas, 4.
2. Zukhruf, 54.