Page 102 - Pure Life 24
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A Historical Inquiry … H. Andisheh and M.R. Payvandi / 101

               the school of Ahl al-Bayt was         relatively  flexible  stance  on
               oppressed  and  historians  and       the first two caliphs during his
               writers  of  “Milal  wa  Nihal”,      uprising. (Mashkour, 2011: 59)
               have not been observed justice          Whichever of the two meanings
               in this regard.                       is accepted, the word “Rafiḍi”
                                                     is  not  synonymous  with  Shia
               The  Difference  between              in  the  general  sense;  because
               “Rafiḍi” and “Shia” Synonyms          this  word  does  not  include
               The  word  Shia  is  a  general       groups of Zaidiyyah.
               concept  that  by  accepted
               definition,  includes  all  Shia          2.  Ja'fari
               denominations      and    groups      Imam  Ja'far  Sadiq,  with  his
               such  as  the  Zaidiyyah,  the        great  efforts,  gave  a  special
               Kaysanites, and the Isma'ilism;       jurisprudential  and  theological
               but  there  are  other  words  that   identity  to  the  Shiites  who
               differ from this general concept.     believe in the leadership of the
               The     following    are    some      infallible  Imams;  hence,  the
               synonymous  words  and  their         Shiites who benefited from his
               differences with the word “Rafidi”:   teachings  became  known  as
                                                     “Ja'fari”.  Today,  the  word
                   1.  Rafiḍi                        “Ja'fari”  is  synonymous  with
                “Rafiḍi”  means  rejecting  and      the  “Twelver”  Shiites;  but
               leaving something. Shia opponents     according to some, the Isma'ilism
               often use the word to denounce        are also included, because they
               and slander. (Ameli, 1960: 43)        believe  in  the  Imamate  of
                 It  has  been  said  about  this    Imam Sadiq.
               word: Since the Shiites rejected
               the  caliphate  of  the  first  two       3.  Imamiyyah
               caliphs, they are called Rafiḍi.      In  the  time  of  each  of  the
               (Ash'ari, 1980: 16)                   infallible  Imams:  The  Shiites
                 Some  also  believe  that           who  believed  in  his  Imamate
               Rafiḍi  refers  to  Shiites  who      from  the  children  of  Fatimah
               left  his  camp  due  to  Zayd        bint Mohammad and continued
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